Thursday, March 17, 2016

Why I Would Never Vote For Hillary Clinton

Official portrait of Secretary of State Hillar...
Official portrait of Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Sadly, it is almost certain Hillary Clinton will get the Democratic Nomination. It is likely that Trump will get the Republican Nomination. So you say, "choose the lesser of 2 evils". But that is a game in which whatever candidate you choose, you lose. So I gave up that game a long time ago.

If Hillary gets elected President she will do just as her husband did and attack the very base that helped elect her. She will, in the interest of bipartisanship, further promote privatization and corporate subsidies and protections at the expense of the American people. In short, Hillary is a Corporate NeoLib Democrat and that spells bad news for what is left of the Middle Class along with the working class, the working poor, the poor, women, blacks, Latinos, and just about anybody not a part of the ruling Elite.

Hillary will reform Social Security by extending the age requirements, privatizing much of it while reducing benefits. She will also continue with the privatization of schools, which means that children in America will get an ever worsening substandard education (as we see with Charter Schools).

The Financial Class will continue to prey on the rest of America and Hillary will be there to protect their interests. Cities will continue to crumble and America's infrastructure will collapse. Disasters like Flint, Michigan will be common. Students will continue to mortgage their future on student loans that will keep them working as credit serfs throughout their lives. Medical expenses along with insurance premiums will continue to sky rocket, meaning that an American with insurance coverage will continue to go bankrupt when they get sick. Trade deals that are only good for corporations and not for any country will continue. Endless wars will continue to be fought to keep the New World Order operating.

Hillary will offer some feel good programs, just like her husband did, that will benefit virtually nobody and they will call that progressive

But what if a Republican gets elected?

Probably it will be less worse because at least with a Republican President there will be some opposition from progressives and Democrats. But with Hillary, we will get the Democrats and Republicans working together to destroy our social safety nets and what is left of a functioning American society.

So vote the lesser of 2 evils and get evil. For me, I don't play that game.


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