Wednesday, March 16, 2016

What Happens After We Die Depends on What Happened While We Were Here

People act as if they will be here on earth forever. But in reality we are just a heart beat away from transitioning to other realms. Where we end up depends on what type of person we are in this life.

Photo Courtesy of Elizabeth Lawrence

 In life, you can tell a lot about a person by looking at what he or she has around them, who they associate with, what they hold dear, and what their attitudes are towards themselves and others. In death all of these things pass away, but those things arose out of a certain consciousness that people have developed throughout many lives. This consciousness will determine where they end up when they pass from this life.

So if you want to know what life will be like when you die, just ask yourself what life is like for you now.

If you have developed a consciousness of compassion and understanding then your life is unfolding in a way that is a blessing to others and to yourself. That doesn't mean that your life is not difficult and full of challenges and suffering. But it does mean that you are living a meaningful and courageous life focused on doing the best you can for yourself and others under whatever circumstance. When such a caring and wise person passes from this life to another, they will have an experience based on their highly developed consciousness. Their next life will be in some particular realm of Love where advanced beings associate with each other and teach and encourage each other.

For those with a narrow perspective based a consciousness of selfishness, greed, and ignorance. They will pass into other realms suited for their particular development. These desire realms are seemingly endless and they are full of frustration and sometimes even intense suffering. Sometimes people are so attached to our earthly realm that they stay connected to this level of existence and it is difficult for them to transition further.

But sooner or later we all transition from one realm to another based on whatever level of consciousness we have attained over time. As long as we live as separate beings and have not recognized our true Being, or God Self, then the transitions are inevitable and the realms of individual existence are endless.


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