Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Many Paths to God

Many people say that there is only one path to God. They will try to tell you that this or that religion has all the truth and is the only way to God. But that is just what many people say and there is no truth in it.

People are different and they need different ways to express their spirituality. Some people are more cerebral and some are more emotional. Some people are more contemplative while others require action. The Ancient sages of India understood this and they devised different ways for people to come to have a relationship with God. They called the various paths "yoga", a way to unite with God using various methods suited to the individual.

Many people also say that their view of God is the only correct one. But that is just what many people say and there is no truth in it. The infinite cannot be fully described or explained. The infinite can, however, be experienced.                                                                 
There are various paths to the experience of God. The path one chooses is not as important as the experience. We shouldn't worship a particular path. The path is only a way to the experience of our Divine Lord.


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