Saturday, April 2, 2016

The Secret to Relationships

Photo Courtesy of Elizabeth Lawrence

Never expect more from others than they are willing to give.

People often find themselves in relationships in which their expectations of others exceed what others are willing to give to those relationships. This creates a lot of unnecessary frustration and even suffering.

Although it is sound advice not to expect more from others than they are willing to give and it could save people a lot of trouble. The problem is that people are nearly always ruled by their wants and desires and not by a clear assessment of what is happening in their relationships.So they put a lot of wrongly directed energy into controlling and manipulation of others only to find that it resulted in a lot of unhappiness.

So accept what people are willing to give to a relationship or move on from that relationship. To try to force your will in any relationship will just end in a lot of resentment and ultimately a break in that relationship.


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