Wednesday, March 30, 2016

What Close Ally of the United States Plans Executions for Internet or Public Display of Homosexuality?

A major ally and a good friend of the United States has plans to execute those that openly show their homosexuality or perversion in public or online.

The US says it supports Democracy around the world but that is just what America says. In fact, the US supports a New World Order agenda around the world and Democracy is just an excuse to overthrow governments, incite civil wars, invade countries, and wage economic warfare on those countries that don't follow the Globalist play book.

So here we have Saudi Arabia, one of the most oppressive regimes in the world, openly contemplating executing those in the LGBT community who have the courage to display their orientation. We all know that Saudi Arabia is capable of the most terrible crimes against humanity.
...Saudi Arabia has both capital and corporal punishment for a wide variety of offences. Execution via beheading is the punishment for murder, rape, drug trafficking, sodomy, armed robbery, apostasy and certain other offenses....The practice of beheading women also exists, although prior to 1990 women were shot instead. Forty seven women have been beheaded as of 2010, and Saudi Arabia executed 1,750 convicts between 1985 and 2008, with most of the executions taking place in Riyadh, Jeddah, and Dahran....Source: World
Just even expressing an opinion that counters the regime in Saudi Arabia can get you whipped to the point of death.

Oh and Saudi Arabia is also an important state sponsor of terrorism. You might recall that nearly all of the terrorists accused by the FBI of flying those jets into the World Trade Towers in New York on 9/11 were Saudi citizens.
...While Saudi Arabia is often a secondary source of funds and support for terror movements who can find more motivated and ideologically invested benefactors (e.g. Qatar), Saudi Arabia remains perhaps the most prolific sponsor of international Islamist terrorism, allegedly supporting groups as disparate as the Afghanistan Taliban, Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the Al-Nusra Front.[104]....Source Wikipedia
Many concerned Americans are calling for a release of a classified 28 pages of the American 9/11 Report which is said to implicate the Saudi government in support of the 9/11 terrorists.

So American support of a murderous, oppressive, fanatically religious nation, like Saudi Arabia, is a disgrace to this country and those people that honor human dignity and human rights. Our government pretends to care so much about the LGBT community but yet it will ally with a terrorist supporting nation that executes  members of that Saudi community merely for displaying support for that community.

But there is only one  agenda that always comes first to the Financial Oligarchy that runs the US and most of the world and that is a New World Order Agenda that serves them and only them.

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