Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Gift of Life

 Brooklyn Bridge, Suspension Bridge

John had been planning it for awhile. He had been thinking about it for a long time. His business was failing and his marriage was dead. So John reasoned he might as well be dead. He couldn't eat. He couldn't sleep. He just constantly worried and was full of anxiety. He was miserable.

John left his work and headed out of town toward the bridge. He knew exactly how he would do it. He had it all mapped out in his head. It seemed like the only solution.

As he drove down the road, he thought about his 2 girls but they were nearly raised and their mother would take good care of them. Besides he reasoned, he had a million dollar life policy that he had for years. The policy was past the suicide clause so it would pay out for the girls. He had been secretly taking care of all the final details for the last couple of weeks.

This was the day he would jump.

John felt a great sense of relief. Soon it would all be over. John used to go to the shore of that river often and the water made him feel peaceful. That peace is what John wanted now.

As John drove up toward the bridge, he parked where he planned. Then he noticed the cars stopping and the traffic backing up. As he made his way toward the bridge, he saw a dog running about in the middle of the road. The dog was darting back and forth confused and obviously scared.

John was on his mission but he thought about that dog as he was walking past it. "That dumb mutt is going to get run over. Look at that stupid dog," he thought.

John stopped.

John just reacted, not even thinking about it, and called the dog over to him.

"Come hear baby," John started yelling.

Not really expecting the dog to listen, John was surprised as it made his way in his direction. John kept calling and the dog kept coming. As the dog crossed the road, a car slammed on his brakes nearly killing the dog.

John ran over and grabbed the dog, knowing that if he didn't move quickly the dog would be killed for sure.

John picked up the little dog and thought, "This is one ugly dog."

The dog was clearly starving. It's ribs were sticking out and it looked as if most of its hair was gone. When John looked into that dog's eyes he saw something familiar. He saw fear and terror. He also saw misery and terrible sadness in those big brown eyes. It was as if John was looking into his own eyes.

John thought, "This dog is in even worse shape than I am. I can't leave it here. It will die."

John thought for a few moments about why he was there. His plan to kill himself hadn't worked out as planned.

"OK baby, come on I am taking you home," John said to the poor creature.

"I am going to get you help and while I am at it, I am going to get myself some help." John said to the dog trembling in his arms.

John walked back to his car.


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