Thursday, October 8, 2015

Why are People So Unhappy?

 The master and student joined each other by the stream for their daily wisdom talk.

 Waterfall, Rocks, Trees, Forest, Woods

 Achal asked the master, "Honorable One, why are people so unhappy?"

The master replied, "Achal suppose you took a plant and placed it in a glass jar with no dirt or nutrients and then placed that plant in a dark room with no access to sunlight, what do you suppose would happen to that plant?"

"Honorable One, it would slowly shrivel and die. The conditions would not be right for the plant to grow and thrive," Achal replied.

"Very true," the master responded, "the conditions would not be right for that plant to survive. In the same way, the conditions in society are not right for human beings to grow and thrive. People need to have the basic necessities of life and to feel connected to a community of others. They need to feel that their lives matter and that they have meaning in society. They also have to believe that there is some sort of justice in their society."

"Today most people are struggling to survive. To find work. When they find work they are often underpaid and overworked. They work hard but they are very poor. They see that the wealth of society is going into the pockets of a handful of people. They also see that their government is focused on the needs of these very few oligarchs and the politicians serve them. Our society is built on war and domination of people and resources. The Oligarchs have no concern for people or the life of the planet."

The master continued, "But Achal people are obviously not exactly like plants. As these conditions persist, society will break down and there will be madness all around. This is exactly what we are seeing today."

Achal asked sadly, "Is there any hope Honorable One?"

"There is always hope, Achal, but unfortunately there is usually a great deal of pain and suffering before societal forces make the needed changes. In the meantime, you must cultivate compassion and understanding so that you can have a profound affect on your own world. Eventually the little changes we are able to make will grow into great changes throughout society," the master smiled.


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