Sunday, October 4, 2015

The "Meditating Cricket" and the Power of Our Being

 Caterpillar, Bug, Cricket, Insect

A few months after I first started meditating nearly 30 years ago, I started to notice an odd occurrence. Whenever I went to the basement to assume the lotus position, out would pop this little cricket and hop over. The cricket would sit right in front of me and when I was done meditating it would hop away. It was as if the cricket would join me in the meditation. After a couple of months, I moved from that house and I never saw that cricket again.

But that cricket was my first introduction to something very profound that has been reinforced all my life.

All of life (insects, plants, animals, and humans) respond to us in ways we are generally not aware. Our heart/mind, or level of being, resonates with the rest of life. We are in constant communication with all of life even when we are not consciously aware of it.

Throughout my life, I periodically think of that "meditating cricket". That cricket was my introduction to the power of cultivating a certain level of being and how our being has profound affects on others, even in ways we cannot even imagine.

The opposite is also true. Others, as well, have this profound impact on us for better or worse.

That cricket was my teacher in that it helped teach me a great lesson. All of life is in constant communication, it is up to us what type of message we are sending with our being and whether we want to consciously be aware of the messages others are sending to us.

Indeed our teachers can be great or even very small.


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