Monday, February 29, 2016

Donald Trump Proves that Americans Have Been Starving for Good Political Entertainment. Let's Have More of It.

English: Senator William Knowland atop elephan...

The 2 Ring circus known as the Republican and Democratic primaries are often not very entertaining. Although elections in America cost the Elite billions of dollars, the entertainment value is generally pretty low. This year Americans are finally getting some good political theater in the form of Donald Trump.

But you would think a great country (or formerly great depending on which candidate you are supporting) such as ours could include another ring for the people in the form of a competitive alternative political party. A party accepted by the corporate mainstream media and their rulers that rule them and the rest of America, the financial Eite. Even Barnum and Bailey offers a 3 ring circus for the enjoyment of their customers, so you would think that the mega rich would at least allow the voters the same entertainment value.

Sure things aren't so bad since America has one more Party than the Communist Soviet Union used to have. Still in the supposed "world's greatest Democracy," it would be a little bit more Democratic to offer one more selection.

The recent rise of Donald Trump shows that America has been starved for good political entertainment. Americans are all about their entertainment. They are at a loss without a constant stream of meaningless media and pretend news, so it would be really generous for the financial elites that buy and steal elections to give Americans a bit more political entertainment in the form of another competitive political party

Clearly a competitive 3rd party would be owned by our Owners (this is a given). It would have to be a party that promotes some form of disaster capitalism. But at least it will pretend to offer greater choice, and Americans will never know that the 3rd pretend choice is just like the 2 other pretend choices we presently have.

What is clear though is that Donald Trump has proven that Americans love their politics entertaining. They enjoy hucksters, liars, thieves, sell outs, and any political candidate the financial Elite happen to present to them. But speaking for Americans everywhere. Let's have more entertainment in the form of another political party offering another pretend choice.

As the world drifts towards world war, people lack even the basic necessities, and environmental catastrophes pile up in front of us; Americans need more political entertainment to help keep their minds off  human and planetary misery. After all, Donald Trump won't be around forever.


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