Sunday, February 28, 2016

Looks Like Wall Street's Candidate, Hillary Clinton, Will Win the White House

English: Wall Street sign on Wall Street
Just a couple of days before Super Tuesday, it looks like the election is going as it was planned even before few people even thought about voting. The Criminal Class on Wall Street has long supported Hillary Clinton because she absolutely belongs to them. The Clintons have been bought and paid for since their days in Arkansas.

You might remember back in the 90s, the Clintons were the so called "new Democrats" that were willing to sell out the Unions, introduce NAFTA and Welfare reform, as well as support the Military Industrial Complex at the expense of the rest of Americans.

As President, Hillary Clinton will continue the tradition established by her and her husband in those years. Clinton will work with a Republican House or Senate or both to continue to dismantle what little is left of the Welfare State, to introduce Social Security Reform (privatization and reduced public benefits), to continue greater government austerity, to protect Wall Street from any meaningful reform even if the economy crashes again (which is likely), to promote military expansion around the world threatening Russia and China with attacks on their economy and their territorial integrity (a dangerous strategy that has brought the world closer to nuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis).

So what about the 3 Amigos Trump, Rubio, and Cruz?

Trump will likely win the Republican nomination but he is unacceptable to most Americans simply because he is a buffoon. Trump was probably prompted to run by his friends the Clintons and their backers so that he would splinter the Republican Party making it easier for Hillary to win the general election in November. Even if Trump doesn't win the Republican nomination he will probably run as an independent splitting the Republican vote as well as the right leaning independent vote, thus leaving a clear path for Clinton to win. Rubio and Cruz have no chance at the White House.

So hopefully the Wall Street crowd doesn't get their way with continuing the disaster capitalism we have come to know as globalization. But their candidate looks like a pretty good bet at this point.


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