Tuesday, March 1, 2016

We are the Walking Dead: Zombism is Destroying the Life of the Planet

English: A participant of a Zombie walk, Asbur...
English: A participant of a Zombie walk, Asbury Park NJ, USA. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Zombies have become a cultural phenomenon because they connect to some deeper level to what we have become. People recoil at them yet are at the same time fascinated by them. But I believe that Zombies represent a deeper psychological manifestation that rises from our subconscious.

People have become, like Zombies, walking dead. We are single minded in our desire to consume. We are fixated on consumption in the same way Zombies are fixated on the consumption of human flesh. The world is full of life but we have lost any connection to it. Instead, we are fixated on consuming it until there is nothing left, ultimately leading to our own demise.

The more we devour, the more we want to devour. Our appetites are insatiable.

The only way to kill a Zombie is to destroy its brain. People are destroying themselves and their planet because their brain has been destroyed by pop culture and a never ending stream of nonsense fed to them by a media and societal structures designed to destroy any creativity or intuitive connection to their spiritual being.

Human beings, like the Zombie, are presently bent on the consumption and ultimately the destruction of all life.  But there is a way out of the Zombie culture that is consuming the life out of the world. If we start taking time to reconnect with our higher spiritual being then there is hope.
