Sunday, March 6, 2016

Why Do the Financial Elite and their Political Puppets Create Cotastrophes like the Flint Water Crisis?

English: American businessman Rick Snyder
English: American businessman Rick Snyder (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Deceased comedic genius George Carliln once said, "They don't give a f*ck about you. They don't give a f*ck about you!" Carlin was referring to the financial Elite that control the US and much of the world.

The biggest mistake people make is believing the opposite of Carlin's astute observation. People credulously believe that somehow the globalist owners of the so called "free world"  care anymore about them then they do about any other resource they own and control. The financial Elite not only care nothing for Americans, Germans, Irish, Indians, or any other nationality, but they care as much for people as they would a tree, a rock, oil, water, or any other resource at their disposal. People, like the rest of the world's resources, are to be used and discarded for their profit and pleasure. That is the sad fact.

We see an example of this with the Flint, Michigan water crisis where the financial Elite made sure that their puppet Governor, Rick Snyder, paid the creditors at the expense of the health, education, and safety of the people of Flint, Detroit, and other bankrupt municipalities. Many are calling for the Governor's resignation for purposely allowing the poisoning of the children of Flint with lead loaded water. This was done because the  corrosive water source was cheaper than the much cleaner source of water coming from Lake Huron. Instead of resignation, Snyder should be imprisoned. Or at the very least, be made to drink the water he expected the people of Flint to drink. You can be sure that if the same rules applied for the financial Elite and their political puppets, the rules would be different..

But the cities of the US are crumbling and the water crisis we find in Flint is also found in many other cities. American politicians are not only keen to make sure that the wealthiest pay the least taxes, they also make sure that the corporate welfare queens continue to get free government handouts at the expense of every other citizen.

So whether they are utilizing slave wages, destroying the environment for profit, poisoning people, or wrecking whole economies because of scams and bad bets, the Elite are operating the same throughout the world.


Because as Carlin said, "They don't give a f*ck about you."

Don't believe otherwise. 


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