Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Buying Hope Isn't Cheap

"Auntie you are wasting all our money supporting that TV preacher," Harlan said with disgust.

"We barely have enough to eat and every time Pastor Johnson asks for a prayer request you rush him out money. Look the lights are about to be shut off and the water bill is late. Please Auntie turn the TV off and don't listen to him." Harlan pleaded.

"Son you know Pastor Johnson is doing the Lord's work and he needs our support." Auntie said.

"What work is he doing Auntie?"

"He jus be takin our money and buying jets and big mansions and we don't even have enough left over to buy poison to kill the cock roaches," Harlan mockingly laughed.

But Auntie was not listening to him. Instead her eyes were glued to the old TV in which a large, rotund, sweating preacher was pleading for the faithful to listen to the Lord and send his ministry money now. Pastor Johnson had important work to do. He was spreading the good news around the world to save those that had not heard the Gospel.

Auntie smiled, "Now son, you take down this envelope and mail it right away."

Harlan looked at the envelope addressed to "The Good News Ministry" and he knew that his words were worthless.

Auntie said, "Son, you know the Lord blesses those that blesses him. The Lord is faithful."

"What Auntie? Are you Serious?"

"You got diabetes and a bad heart. I can't buy a job. We ain't got nothing. Nothing!"

"Do you hear me? We ain't got NOTHING," Harlan yelled.

Auntie began to get upset.

"Son get going. We ain't got nothing now. But the Lord is fixin to come through for us. Pastor Johnson says that if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, great things are going to happen." Auntie smiled and poured herself some sweat tea.

Even though the temperature was blistering hot outside, they had no air conditioning. They could only afford to run a few fans in the window.

Harlan thought for a moment. He didn't want to make his Auntie upset so he settled down and resigned himself to doing what she told him.

"OK Auntie I gotta go. I'll drop off the envelope."

"I Love You," He said.

"You always been a good boy. I am so proud you are mine, baby." Auntie smiled.

Harlan grabbed the envelope and left the little run down country shack.

Auntie turned up the volume on the TV to hear more of God's word. But then the lights went out, the fans stopped, and the TV went dead.

"Oh dear," Auntie sighed,"They finally got around to turning off the electricity."


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