Monday, March 21, 2016

Humanity's Insanity--Dark Instincts and Forces

Closeup of a human skull.
Closeup of a human skull. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Humans are largely a violent and aggressive animal. This is largely an evolutionary adaptation where social animals needed to band together to survive brutish environments and other aggressive animals (like other humans). Still you would think with enough nukes to destroy much of the life on the planet as well as to kill every human, people would decide that it might be a good idea to slow down the military industrial killing machine. Instead, humans continue to invest obscene amounts of money into killing each other and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future.

Around the world there are a billion hungry people. Nearly 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day and there are 22,000 children dying each day due to extreme poverty. So with most of the people of the world claiming to believe in God and belonging to some religion  that promotes peace and love, then you would think that the top priority would be helping the needy and making sure all people have enough to eat. You might think that but if you did you would be wrong because our top priority is killing people and controlling resources for the power and profit of an elite few.

So with one American B-2 Stealth bomber costing $2.4 billion, you can see where the priority is. In fact, the world's military expenditure in 2012 is estimated to be close to $1.8 trillion with those humane Americans spending about half of that amount in supporting their military industrial complex. The banking financial elite that control most of the world are making sure that their interests are protected and their power and wealth continue to grow through military might. But these are just a handful of people.

So what can we say about the rest of the world's 7 billion people?

Why would the people of the world allow this obscene expenditure on weapons that benefit nobody but the very few elite and a power structure that owns them?

People, sadly, are ignorant to the point of being insane. They allow themselves, their families, their communities, and their countries to be raped of resources and human dignity because their owners (the financial ruling elite) scare them and confuse them into supporting a massive weapons industry while many of them are hungry and impoverished. The ruling elite not only use humanity's innate violence and aggressiveness but they also use their fear and ignorance to justify an insane system of death and destruction. The weapons industry will continue to grow while the people of the world will continue to grow in their hunger and poverty.

The weapons industry is not only cheating people of the world out of any type of a decent life, it is killing them as if their lives were completely worthless. The US alone has killed an estimated 20 to 30 million people since World War II in conflicts around the world. The horror of millions upon millions of deaths brought to you by the merchants of death, the weapons industry, will continue and their is likely no end to it.

But the success of this killing machine could likely be its downfall. It may be that people will become so used to the massive worldwide human slaughter that nuclear war will seem as a necessary progression. The insanity of humanity is that we may blow each other up before we even have a chance to go extinct through a likely eco-collapse.

Haman beings could choose to feed the people of the planet and care for each other. But judging from what has been happening, that is not likely to occur any time soon. Unfortunately the odds are that humans will continue to fuel a weapons industry with their blood and what little money they have. This is an insane choice but humans are creatures often moved by dark instincts and forces.



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