Sunday, October 11, 2015

Seeing and Hearing God

The master and student joined each other by the stream for their daily wisdom talk.
Water, Creek, River, Stream, Flow

"Honorable One, I have been meditating, praying, doing my best to treat others with loving kindness, I have been mindful to practice loving attention when in the presence of others. I have tried not to cause any unnecessary suffering to any creature. But even after all of this, I have not seen or heard God," the student said.

The master replied, "Achal close your eyes and tell me what you hear."

The student closed his eyes and responded, "I hear the stream. I hear the birds chirping. I hear the rustling of animals. I hear the wind against the trees. I hear so much, Honorable One."

"Now Achal, open your eyes and tell me what you see," the master directed.

The student opened his eyes and responded, "I see you. I see the stream, the trees, and the plants. I see so much, Honorable One."

"So Achal, can anything exist outside of infinite being?" the master asked.

"No Honorable One, if it is infinite being it must include everything in its being" the student responded.

"Exactly so, Achal, all is an aspect of the Divine. We see parts of the Divine but say we don't see the Divine. In the same way, you can take pieces of a puzzle and not see the whole picture simply by looking at a few pieces.

"Infinite being is not contained in one aspect of being, but every aspect of being is contained in infinite being," the master said.

"So now, Achel, how have you not seen and heard God?" The master asked.

"Honorable One, I see and hear God in everything." the student responded.


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