Friday, October 30, 2015

Haunted Houses or Haunted People?


I have been one of those people that have seen many ghosts at various times throughout my life. My present house appears to be inhabited by numerous other worldly beings. The above picture was taken on Halloween night about 6 or 7 years ago. If you look closely, you can see several ghostly figures looking out of our window. I took a photo of my wife outside of the window just before the kids arrived for "trick or treat." Looking out the window was a ghostly family that seems to inhabit the house that I presently live in. It looks as if they gathered for the photo. If you look to your left, you can also see an owl like figure with red eyes looking out of the window at the time the picture was taken.

When I first moved to my present house about 11 years ago, I was playing with my dog when I looked up and saw a little blonde haired girl with an older style dress looking at me. I was stunned since the girl appeared completely solid and there is no way she should have been in the house. When the little girl recognized that I could see her, she disappeared from my view. Over the years I have seen that little girl several times running down the hall of my house with just her lower body appearing to me. I have also seen shadow figures in this house, white orbs, heard numerous voices, and have witnessed unexplained physical phenomena too numerous to mention. In fact, about once a week something strange happens in this house. I have experimented with Electronic Voice Phenomena (EVPs) and have had running conversations with many of these entities (including that little girl).

But I happen to think that it is likely that these ghosts, spirits, or inter-dimensional entities are not just confined to certain houses or places. Rather I believe that it is more likely that there are certain people, families, groups of people, and even cultures that have more of an ability to connect with what is often described as "paranormal". I believe that it is those that are adept at using their right brain (creative and artistic people, intuitives, etc.,) or those that can equally utilize their right and left brain that are more apt to have these paranormal experiences. I have worked with several different cultures as a counselor and from my experience certain cultural groups are also more inclined to have these other worldly experiences.
After years of meditative practice, I have experienced some amazing events that would seem absurd to many people. Yet these experiences were clearly predicted for those that practice meditation and yoga by the Indian mystic Pantanjali well over 2000 years ago in his Yoga Sutras. I believe that meditation, like other mind expanding methods, allows a person to gain access to "realities" that are hidden from many in our materialistic Western culture. Traditional cultures, utilizing a right brain or whole brain approach, are able to tap into worlds that are dismissed by many modern people who have been taught to see the world from only one perspective.

So I believe that there are "haunted people", such as myself, and that their transcendental or mystical experiences need not be confined to certain places. But I do believe that there are certain places, such as my present "haunted house", that are more conducive for certain intuitive people to have these paranormal experiences.  We may be laughed at by some, but that laughter only betrays a lack of understanding of the complexities of existence and infinite number of relationships in which we all live, both seen and unseen.
So is it that places are haunted or is it that people are haunted? The answer from my understanding would appear to be both.


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