Tuesday, September 29, 2015

"Have You Ever Fallen in Love?"

The master and student joined each other by the stream for their daily wisdom talk.
 Forest, Stream, Šumava, The Wildness
The student asked the master, "Honorable One, have you ever fallen in love?"

The master smiled and said, "I have never been out of love."

The master continued, "Achal, it is natural for people to fall in love. Then they may raise children and extend their love. They may love other family members or close friends as well. There are some that are able to have love for their community, their culture, and their country. This is all wonderful. No love, however limited, is without merit"

"But for you Honorable One," the student continued, "you love all beings?"

"Achal, my love is not limited to a particular being or beings. As you grow in understanding, you will find that you are the only one that places a limit on love."

"It is difficult for me, Honorable One, to have that unlimited love you describe," the student responded.

The master smiled and said, "Remember no love, no matter how limited, is without benefit. So start from what you can love and remain mindful of the circumstances other beings must face in order to survive in this world. Once you can see others clearly, you will have compassion and empathy for them. Then you will find that your love is expanding toward all of life."


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