Tuesday, September 8, 2015

What They Don't Want You to Know

 Poverty, Begging, Exclusion, Street

It would be funny what we are told to believe if it weren't so sad. For the last 3 and half decades, we have been told that if you just make the super wealthy even more wealthy that somehow that wealth would trickle down to the rest of us to make the economy better. But today in the US, Adjusted for inflation, our hourly wage has about the same purchasing power that it did in 1979. The American labor participation rate has dropped to the levels not seen since 1978. There are presently nearly 92 million people not in the labor force in the US. But since the late 1970's, the top 1% (those families with total assets more than 20 million in 2012) has increased their wealth from 7% to 22%. The truth is just the opposite of what we have been lied to believe. If you put more money in the hands of the people, the economy will grow and the country will have a large tax base from which to collect. Funny thing about people, if they have money they will spend it. This makes for a growing economy, more jobs, better schools, better roads, less poverty and less government subsidies for those that need it. Instead of continuing to make the super wealthy even more wealthier in the hopes something might trickle down, we should be enacting laws that protect the workers, make a living wage a minimum, and tax Wall Street so that the super wealthy actually pay a sales tax on their transactions (just like the poor and everybody else do on their purchases). In reality, the financial elite know the truth about the economy. They just don't want you to know.

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