All my life I have been presented by societal institutions with a never
ending list of enemies. Their main aim was to destroy us, destroy
democracy, destroy our way of life, destroy the economy, destroy the
family, destroy society, destroy everything. They are always presented
as somehow not human. They are fully evil and have one main
objective--to get me and those I care about. This is the way we are
mobilized to hate and fear.When the European settlers here in North
America wanted Native Peoples' land and resources, those Peoples were
presented as savages and not even human. Whole tribes were exterminated
and those that survived lost everything. But they were the enemy and
that is what we were made to believe they deserved. Today when the
global corporate power structure wants the wealth and resources of the
planet, it is the same old story. There are enemies everywhere and the
only way we can be safe (gain control of their countries and get their
resources) is to destroy them. So people all over the planet are
presented as subhuman and monsters not worthy of life or the basic
necessities of life. We are made to fear, hate, and destroy the people
and the life of the planet and we do this horrendous evil because that
is what our enemies deserve. But this propaganda is the most heinous of
lies created so that human beings will do the most inhumane things to
other human beings in the name of defense and safety. Sadly, it always
seems to work.
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