Saturday, September 19, 2015

At Least The Honorable are Buried with Their Dignity

 Edward S. Curtis Geronimo Apache cp01002v.jpg

Often times we use the word honorable for those who have none.
Or we confuse being honorable with wealth or fame or possessing some office or position. But honor is not something that somebody can give us. It is something we ourselves have to earn. Although we are all human and subject to making mistakes. We can choose to focus our lives on living in an honorable way.
Honor is a matter of commitment and intent.
We all have various ideas of what an honorable life is for us. But to live an honorable life requires great courage. It requires that we do what we think is right even in the face of great obstacles.
At present, society does little to encourage us to live in an honorable way. In fact, in our materialist culture we are judged simply by our ability to consume. Those that can consume the most are given high honor in a twisted society that has lost any meaningful sense of what honor is.
Today, being an honorable person requires more courage than at anytime in recorded history since few honor the honorable. The truly honorable may live out forgotten lives but at least they are buried with their dignity.

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