Thursday, September 24, 2015

Humanity's Costly Mind-Set

Buy, Shop, Spend, Money, ShoppingLong ago the elders were honored because they were the source of tradition and the keepers of wisdom. Today in our throw away culture, the elders are looked upon as a drain on society and a burdensome expense. Children too are looked upon as some sort of investment that has to pay off. Everything is a commodity, especially human beings.
The commercial mind-set has taken hold of the way we think and the way we perceive. Human values are discarded in favor of the bottom line.

How much does it cost and how will it pay off?
So society buys into this mind-set of evil and it has a greater cost than any amount of dollars we can print.
A sick mind-set can be made healthy. But we must first acknowledge that our world view is not healthy toward ourselves or the life of the planet. Our present mind-set is choking the life out of the planet and destroying any pleasure we might have in living. This consumerist mind-set is all about money and nothing else. Unfortunately we are paying for this mind-set with our lives.  Grant

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