Thursday, September 17, 2015

Do You Know How to Tell the Right Time?

Waiting, Appointment, Schedule, Time

Some people say "never give up". The idea is that if you just hang in there long enough then you will succeed and everything will work out. But from my experience, most people hang in there far too long. They hold onto broken relationships well past the point of no return, they stay in dead end jobs when it is clear that they should have moved on long ago, they hold onto worn out ideas and emotions that no longer serve any meaningful purpose.
The most successful people in life (and we are not only talking financially) are not usually the smartest or the the ones that never give up. Rather they are the ones that have a good sense of timing. They are in touch with their intuitive side and they know when to act and not to act.
You can't gain this type of direction from listening to motivational tapes or from reading innumerable books. This type of gut instinct comes from a whole brain/whole heart approach. A person has a better chance of making the right choices when they have clear understanding of their situation and when they are in touch with their inner sense about the situation.
In life, when I was unsure on what direction I needed to take I had a saying that helped guide me, "follow your feet". The meaning of that was that when my mind was confused about a particular path then my body (my intuition) usually knew which way to go and I followed that direction. The right timing is key to successful choices, and you know when the time is right by being able to tap into that inner wisdom that knows what time it is.  Grant

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