Monday, February 29, 2016

Donald Trump Proves that Americans Have Been Starving for Good Political Entertainment. Let's Have More of It.

English: Senator William Knowland atop elephan...

The 2 Ring circus known as the Republican and Democratic primaries are often not very entertaining. Although elections in America cost the Elite billions of dollars, the entertainment value is generally pretty low. This year Americans are finally getting some good political theater in the form of Donald Trump.

But you would think a great country (or formerly great depending on which candidate you are supporting) such as ours could include another ring for the people in the form of a competitive alternative political party. A party accepted by the corporate mainstream media and their rulers that rule them and the rest of America, the financial Eite. Even Barnum and Bailey offers a 3 ring circus for the enjoyment of their customers, so you would think that the mega rich would at least allow the voters the same entertainment value.

Sure things aren't so bad since America has one more Party than the Communist Soviet Union used to have. Still in the supposed "world's greatest Democracy," it would be a little bit more Democratic to offer one more selection.

The recent rise of Donald Trump shows that America has been starved for good political entertainment. Americans are all about their entertainment. They are at a loss without a constant stream of meaningless media and pretend news, so it would be really generous for the financial elites that buy and steal elections to give Americans a bit more political entertainment in the form of another competitive political party

Clearly a competitive 3rd party would be owned by our Owners (this is a given). It would have to be a party that promotes some form of disaster capitalism. But at least it will pretend to offer greater choice, and Americans will never know that the 3rd pretend choice is just like the 2 other pretend choices we presently have.

What is clear though is that Donald Trump has proven that Americans love their politics entertaining. They enjoy hucksters, liars, thieves, sell outs, and any political candidate the financial Elite happen to present to them. But speaking for Americans everywhere. Let's have more entertainment in the form of another political party offering another pretend choice.

As the world drifts towards world war, people lack even the basic necessities, and environmental catastrophes pile up in front of us; Americans need more political entertainment to help keep their minds off  human and planetary misery. After all, Donald Trump won't be around forever.


Sunday, February 28, 2016

Looks Like Wall Street's Candidate, Hillary Clinton, Will Win the White House

English: Wall Street sign on Wall Street
Just a couple of days before Super Tuesday, it looks like the election is going as it was planned even before few people even thought about voting. The Criminal Class on Wall Street has long supported Hillary Clinton because she absolutely belongs to them. The Clintons have been bought and paid for since their days in Arkansas.

You might remember back in the 90s, the Clintons were the so called "new Democrats" that were willing to sell out the Unions, introduce NAFTA and Welfare reform, as well as support the Military Industrial Complex at the expense of the rest of Americans.

As President, Hillary Clinton will continue the tradition established by her and her husband in those years. Clinton will work with a Republican House or Senate or both to continue to dismantle what little is left of the Welfare State, to introduce Social Security Reform (privatization and reduced public benefits), to continue greater government austerity, to protect Wall Street from any meaningful reform even if the economy crashes again (which is likely), to promote military expansion around the world threatening Russia and China with attacks on their economy and their territorial integrity (a dangerous strategy that has brought the world closer to nuclear war than at any time since the Cuban Missile Crisis).

So what about the 3 Amigos Trump, Rubio, and Cruz?

Trump will likely win the Republican nomination but he is unacceptable to most Americans simply because he is a buffoon. Trump was probably prompted to run by his friends the Clintons and their backers so that he would splinter the Republican Party making it easier for Hillary to win the general election in November. Even if Trump doesn't win the Republican nomination he will probably run as an independent splitting the Republican vote as well as the right leaning independent vote, thus leaving a clear path for Clinton to win. Rubio and Cruz have no chance at the White House.

So hopefully the Wall Street crowd doesn't get their way with continuing the disaster capitalism we have come to know as globalization. But their candidate looks like a pretty good bet at this point.


Saturday, February 27, 2016

Major Government Report: Guns Not Killing People, Bullets Are

Bullets for handloading - Sierra brand in .270...
Bullets for handloading - Sierra brand in .270 Winchester caliber (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
WASHINGTON DC--Looking at 4 decades worth of US data, the FBI"s Bureau of Statistical Analysis of Criminal Behavior released a report stating that the answer to the problem of US shooting deaths cannot be found in banning guns.

The report released yesterday called into question whether regulating or even banning firearms will make any difference because guns are not killing people, bullets are.

"We don't need to get rid of the Second Amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing US citizens the right to bear and keep arms. Instead banning guns is counter productive because after a careful analysis of all US gun violence, we found that guns were not killing people. Rather it was the bullets being shot from the guns that were killing people," FBI's Lead Statistical Analytical Researcher Dr Elmer Feelgood reported.

"Sure there were a few deaths over the past 4 decades when somebody killed somebody by hitting them with the butt of their rifle, but all shooting deaths involved bullets," Feelgood noted.

The report said that unless the focus is placed on bullets, the mass shooting mayhem will continue in the US.

Dr Feelgood confidently proclaimed, "Everybody can and should own whatever guns they want. If they want assault rifles or even machine guns, that is a right. But there is no Constitutional guarantee that they be allowed to have bullets for those weapons. If we ban bullets then we will see an end to gun violence."

The National Rifle Association applauded the Bureau's report for finally taking the blame away from guns and placing it where it belongs.

Jill Irons, a spokesperson for the NRA, said that it is good to see that what we have been saying all along has finally been shown to be true. "Obviously it wasn't the guns killing all those people in the US. We are so glad that the report placed the blame where it really belongs, on the ammunition," Irons said.

The Ammunition and Recreation Association has countered with a statement today saying that it is clear that the bullets couldn't be fired without guns and therefore it is the guns killing people.

But Dr. Feelgood countered that counter by saying we have a Constitutional right to guns but not to bullets.

Staff Writer, Chino Idiota

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Student Watching Too Many Republican Debates Charged With Bullying, Calls Teacher a "Liar" and Principal "Low Energy"

English: Donald Trump speaking at CPAC 2011 in...
English: Donald Trump speaking at CPAC 2011 in Washington, D.C. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
HUNTINGTON, Alabama--The family of  a student charged with bullying and harassment yesterday at Huntington Junior High  released a statement to the media charging that their son was treated unfairly.

The parents of Gillup Harrington said their son shouldn't have been suspended for calling his teacher "a liar", Hispanic students in the school "drug addicts" and "some of them are even rapists", and that Muslim students should be put in confinement "until we can figure out what is going on".

Gillup admits to making those statements every day and on multiple occasions, but he said that he was just following his hero Donald Trump.

"I met the Principal. He is really low energy. Nobody likes him. Everybody in school hates him. He is the reason this school is no longer great," Gillup said.

"The teacher is a liar and everybody knows that. She should be fired. A total disaster as a human being," Gillup continued.

Gillup's parents were not disturbed by their son's comments.

"When Trump has the Mexicans pay for that great big beautiful wall and they are sent home and when the Muslims are rounded up and put in camps, then Gillup will be vindicated," Harry Harrington, the father of Gillup said.

The mother of Gillup, Shirly Harrington, also supported her son.

"The school is a mess and my son Gillup is just pointing out the problems. Gillup is just like our future President Donald Trump and they are trying to say he is a bully. My son will be President someday too.

"This thing is going to be huge. I mean we can make this school great again but first we have to remove students and staff that are liars, drug addicts, rapists, terrorists, and I assume some of them are even nice people." Gillup said.

Huntington Junior High Principal Gary Jordan said that evidently Gillup has been watching too many Republican debates but we cannot condone those type of comments and disrespect in school.

"Those comments may be acceptable when you are running for President, but we try to teach our student's to be decent people and have good character."

Guffaw Gazette Political Writer Chino Idiota

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Marco Rubio to Not Actually Do Anything As President Just Like He Did in the Senate

English: Official portrait of US Senator Marco...
English: Official portrait of US Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
GILLMORE, Georgia--Speaking to a capacity crowd at the town's diner yesterday, Marco Rubio told his assembled supporters that he plans on working as little for the people of America as he did in the Senate.

The first term Senator from Florida said, "Alot has been made of the fact that I seldom voted for bills in the Senate. But as you can see that strategy worked for America. After all I have placed a strong second or third in nearly every primary."

"As President," Rubio continued," I will let the country run itself."

Rubio has been battling to explain his lack of attendance in the Senate. His campaign has come up with the idea that Rubio works best if he is not working.

Rubio said that it is time we get out of the way and let the people do the governing. Therefore as President, Rubio said he plans on letting the people run the country while he goes golfing.

"If the economy runs by an invisible hand then why can't the Presidency do the same. Capitalism works best when the markets are free to crash. The Presidency can do that also," Rubio declared.

One Rubio supporter, Shara Lynn Johnson, said she likes the idea of Rubio continuing not doing anything in the White House.

Johnson said, "I hope Rubio doesn't let the Presidency change him. He has done such a great job of not doing anything in the Senate and America didn't even notice he was missing. That is the type of leadership that I hopes he continues."

But an undecided voter, Lloyd Hudgkins, wasn't sure he liked Rubio's plan.

"I like Rubio but I am not sure he can do things if he is not intending to actually do anything as President. Sure that strategy might have worked in the Senate," Hudgkins said, "But it might not work as President.

Rubio's Campaign is confident that the voters will like the idea of Rubio being a President that won't be President. 

Guffaw Gazette News Writer Chino Idiota

Major Study Finds People Don't Like Each Other, May Explain Republican Appeal

English: , member of the United States Senate,...

NEW HAVEN, Connecticut--In a landmark longitudinal study conducted over 2 decades involving nearly a hundred thousand people, researchers at New England Institute of Behavioral Sciences discovered that people don't actually like each other.

According to the study, people often pretended to be polite but when they they registered their true feelings the results were surprising.

Dr. John Frankincense said, "When we put the numbers together and registered people's true feelings we found that 89% of the people didn't like about 93% of the people they were interacting with about 100% of the time. We also found that most times people were not acting aggressive but they often felt like verbally and sometimes physically assaulting others."

Frankincense also reported, "Maybe our findings can be used to explain why people engage in wars, other terrible acts of violence toward each other, and maybe even the lack of governmental help for those in need. It might even explain why some people choose to be conservative and neoconservative Republicans"

But some researchers are not convinced that you can draw much of a conclusion from the finding that people don't like each other.

Dr. John Sugarman, a South Ridge Tech professor, points out that people may not like each other but they also don't like to work and they still do it.

"The fact that people have such dislike for each other cannot explain wars, the growing poverty rate, lack of help for the needy, the homeless, corporate welfare queens or even Republicans. People have been taught not to care about each other and the fact they don't like each other doesn't matter much."

Researchers agree that further studies will be needed to see if people actually care about each other even though they really don't like each other.

The landmark study will soon be published in Journal of Human Understanding later sometime.

Social Science Writer Chino Idiota

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Breaking: Hillary Clinton Promises Big Banks She'll Get Tough on American People if They Need It

WALL STREET, New York--In a closed door meeting with many of her banking supporters, Hillary Clinton promised that she can be tough on the American people, "if they need it."

Man, Homeless, Homeless Man, Poverty

After a breathtaking win by 1 or 2 percentage points in Nevada over Bernie Sanders, Clinton wowed her Wall Street backers by saying when it comes to keeping them safe from the American people "I am with you."

Clinton said, "If the American people crash the economy like they did in 2008, I will get tough on them, if they need it."

The Wall Street CEOs, who asked not to be identified by a person who spoke on condition of anonymity since he or she wasn't authorized to speak in any capacity for the Clinton Campaign, seemed very happy with the Clinton tough talk on the American people.

"My husband and I took on the American people when we helped usher in NAFTA which resulted in the loss of millions of American jobs. We also reformed welfare which hurt millions of poor American children," Clinton told a cheering audience.

Clinton went on to assure her Wall Street backers that her tough talk about them was needed to bring her stunning electoral victories like the ones recently in Iowa and Nevada.

Clinton also said she believes that the momentum will continue since the American people can't seem to distinguish their interests from the interests of the .001% that control the government and the economy.

It was reported that millions upon millions of dollars were raised for the Clinton Campaign at this meeting.

Bodhi Bits News Writer Chino Idiota

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Hillary Clinton the Real Single Issue Candidate

Recent polling from Nevada suggests that Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are running neck and neck in that state. Once thought to be a state firmly in the Hillary Clinton camp, it now appears something of a toss-up.

Hillary Clinton's campaign is clearly in trouble.

So what to do?
It appears that Hillary's campaign hasn't found a solution. Democrats are clearly resonating with the Sander agenda of protecting Americans and the economy against big banks, enacting medicare for all as a solution to the disastrous Obama care which was mainly a gift to the insurance companies, free college tuition, fighting income inequality that continues to grow no matter which corporate sponsored candidate is made President, fairness and justice for all Americans, building America's infrastructure, protecting American in the work place and helping them to keep their jobs, real economic growth based on real jobs that pay a living wage, a sensible immigration policy, a more reasoned foreign policy other than our current program of destabilize, invade, bomb and repeat ad nauseum.

Clinton is charging that Sanders is a single issue candidate which clearly he is not. But we can say definitely that Hillary is for whatever she thinks will help get her elected in whatever state she is campaigning in. Clinton has changed her position on TPP, another supposed "free trade" program that will decimate American jobs even worse than NAFTA. She has decided that she would be tough on the big banks if she needs to be and she says she knows how to do it. Obviously the big banks didn't pay her hundreds of thousands in speaking fees because they like the sound of her voice.

So what issue is Hillary truly supporting regardless of its ability to get her elected. Clinton's main issue is that she is power hungry. She already is worth at least 45 million dollars
so money is not an issue. This is a pretty good sum for merely working in the public sector jobs that paid a couple hundred thousand or so a year. Amazing how these politicians are so good at managing their money.

But Hillary is into power and needs it as much as most people need to eat. She will do just about anything, say just about anything, and attack just about anybody in order to get what she needs most--power.

 More, Flame, Fire, Brand, Burn, Better
No matter who wins the Democratic primaries and even the Presidency. Clinton will always be left with an insatiable desire for power and that is her single issue. This insatiable desire for power is rooted in a seriously maladjusted personality and cannot be satiated by hundreds or even billions of dollars. It cannot even be satiated by the power she craves since there will always be the need for more power. Like an addict always needing more of a drug, Clinton is simply a power addict. A good 12 step program might help Hillary overcome this addiction. But like most addicts, it is a good bet that Hillary doesn't see it as a problem.


Monday, February 15, 2016

The Alleviation of #Suffering

Human beings are born to suffer to some extent. Some of us suffer more than others. But assuredly we all suffer.

 Way Of The Cross, Christian, Church

So is there any cure to suffering?

As long as human beings or any other individual beings live in this realm of existence then there will be suffering for those beings. But suffering isn't all bad. It is the great teacher. It helps beings learn about what is helpful for survival and what is not.

Suffering can also do something else. It can lead us to Compassion.

When we truly realize that other beings are suffering just like us it can lead us to a great deal of sadness, frustration, and even bitterness and anger . Seeing that suffering is a necessary part of life and that all beings must suffer, including us, we could choose bitterness and anger over the inevitability of suffering or we could choose Compassion.

Being bitter and angry only increases our suffering although it is sometimes necessary to feel these emotions. Yet we can eventually move past these feelings and embrace Compassion. A loving heart for other beings and a desire to be of service is a recognition of the truth about life here on earth. It is also a way to help alleviate suffering. By thoughts, words, and deeds of Compassion we can move past our own suffering by creating a helpful, heart based focus.

What we are always emerges out into the world. We can choose to be beings of Compassion and the love in us will emerge to help ourselves as well as others. The choice of Compassion is the alleviation of suffering.


Is Removing #Assad Worth World War Three?

Presently Saudi Arabia is threatening an invasion by their forces if President Assad of Syria is not removed. Amazingly Saudi Arabia, one of the most brutal and repressive regimes on the planet, is demanding that another country must overthrow their government or they will invade. Beside the fact that it is questionable whether any country should determine the type of government in another country, it is almost laughable that despotic Saudi Arabia should be making such a demand.

 Atomic Bomb, Nuclear Weapon, Fat Man

Turkey is now firing on Kurdish and even Syrian government forces in Northern Syria in an effort to protect and to keep supply lines open to opposition forces. A few months ago Turkey, without any warning to the pilot, shot down a Russian plane over Syria that it said had entered Turkish air space for nearly 20 seconds. It appears that Turkey took that action because Turkish President Erdogan was upset that the oil being brought into Turkey by ISIS would be halted by Russian sorties and thus lucrative black market sales in oil would be disrupted as well as the continued funding for that terrorist organization. 

Russia by any measure has made impressive gains by helping Syrian government forces turn the tide of the civil war in the government's favor. Also, the Russian/Syrian collaboration has led to a crippling of ISIS and other terrorist groups in Syria. So you might think that the advances against ISIS in Syria would be welcomed by the US and western governments. Unfortunately the US and its allies are not so much concerned about ISIS as they are concerned about their major goal of destroying Assad and the government in Syria.

The destruction of Assad's government would create a power vacuum leaving the country in the hands of terrorist groups like ISIS. We have seen what happened in Libya when the US and NATO allies helped overthrow the Gadaffi regime there. What emerged was something more terrible than what had previously existed. Libya is in a civil war with forces like ISIS, Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups battling each other and with various war factions. The country, is in short, a complete disaster. We also have seen the civil war that emerged in Iraq after the US invaded that country. Iraq is at present broken into pieces with Iraqi government forces battling ISIS. Until recently, the Iraqi government had lost a great deal of the country to terrorist forces. So you might hope that the US and its allies would realize that intervention, destabilization, and even invasion to overthrow governments in the Middle East have left something far more terrible in its aftermath. However that is only a hope and not a reality.

But what is evolving is the most dangerous time for the world since the Cuban Missile Crisis where the US and the Soviet Union came very close to using nukes against each other. The Saudis are threatening invasion and Turkey is bombing Northern Syria to try to halt the collapse of opposition forces there. Unfortunately these ill-conceived actions will only bring about a pro-longing of a deadly civil war in Syria and it is likely to involve a clash with Russia. Not only is Russia bombing terrorists daily but it has advisers on the ground in Syrian. If the Syrian civil war evolves into an invasion by allies of the US into Syria, there will likely be Russian losses and casualties. Russian President Putin will most likely retaliate militarily. The US and NATO will have to act if Turkish forces are attacked since Turkey is a NATO member.

So at present we have a perfect nightmare scenario unfolding in which the world could very easily be pushed into a war that will involve hundreds of millions of deaths and the destruction of economies world wide. It may even result in a massive human die off if the nuclear bombs unleashed create nuclear winter and eco-destruction.

So is removing Assad in Syria worth it? I'll let you decide.


Thursday, February 11, 2016

#God and Free Will

People pride themselves about their supposed "free" will. But in reality, nearly everybody is programmed to act from societal conditioning and environmental circumstances and experiences (past and present).

 Hands, Praying, Brass, Statue, Religion

Some imagine that all this will end at death. That they will no longer exists or that magically the mind will free itself from nearly endless lives of conditioning that play out in karmic patterns of existence. But that is just fantasy.

Yet people can act outside of the nature of their intense conditioning. It requires a realization that they can use reason and creativity to experience a life outside of the eons of their experiential karmic programming. It also requires that they connect with our Divine Source that can help them to break through the enslavement of endless individual lives that have programmed them to think, act, and feel in certain ways.

A life rooted in our Higher Source (God) utilizing reason and creative expression is a life evolving toward ever greater freedom of being. A life that is free-er to love.


How Do We #Pay for Bernie's Vision of America? Easy

Some say that we can't afford an America that provides healthcare for all. An America where everybody has a decent school and can go to college debt free. An America with great infrastructure. An America where nobody goes hungry.


But we can easily afford all of this and much more.

First, we put in place a Wall Street sales tax. Almost every state has a sales tax for people purchasing things. So what makes Wall Street so special? It is special since it controls the United States Presidency and the Congress. But it doesn't have to be that way. We could put a 1 percent sales tax on every Wall Street transaction and provide trillions of dollars to the US treasury.

Secondly, we can end the endless wars and foreign intervention designed for merely for world domination. If we had not invaded Iraq we would have saved an estimated 3 trillion. Wars not only cost a lot of lives, they cost a lot of your money.

Thirdly, we could end military industrial welfare state. Now over 50% of our tax dollars goes to pay for the military and the debt from military interventions. That is a lot of trillions.

Finally, we could end corporate welfare. We could quit subsidizing corporations to send American jobs to other countries. We could demand that corporations pay their fair share in taxes as well as demand that corporations pay their workers a living wage so that the taxpayer doesn't have to subsidize workers with food stamps and other life line programs.

But this is a short list to provide trillions of dollars each year to easily pay for a more humane America. The America that Bernie Sanders is advocating. It costs nothing to the average taxpayer, but it definitely would provide that the super wealthy pay their fair share.


Wednesday, February 10, 2016

If #Hillary Clinton Told the Truth about Wall Street

 Car, Red, Driver, Gentleman, Affluence

Reporter: Mrs Clinton can you tell us a little bit about your speeches to Wall Street and why you think they were worth hundreds of thousands of dollars?

Mrs Clinton: Well I told them that I would protect them and make sure they continued to do business as usual. They obviously paid that type of money as a pay off and to make sure I keep doing what they want me too. What are you stupid?

Reporter: Mrs Clinton are you OK? You are not on your talking points.

Campaign Manager: The interview is suspended. Listen you creep if you report any of this you are ruined. You understand? Obviously Mrs Clinton is not in her right mind right now. Let me have that tape.

Reporter: Yes sir.


Governor Snyder Enjoy #Flint Water in Prison

There once was a Michigan Governor named Snyder that allowed polluted water to be given to kids as if it was as healthy as apple cider. Although the Flint water and the cider had the same color it is true. The water sickened thousands of children as the Governor claimed no knowledge too. Some say he should resign. But he should be forced to drink the cider colored water in prison till he turns blue.
