Sunday, November 8, 2015

The Power of Intention

Person, Human, Female, Girl, Face

Why does it appear that we often fail even with the best of intentions?

If intentions were enough to achieve our goals, then everybody would have what they wanted. But what we want may not be what others want and we may not have the ability to bring about those intentions into our lives. People compete for power, prestige, and resources and they often have different desires and objectives. Many times our intentions are at odds with other personalities and forces so they don't seem to come to fruition.

But even though particular intentions may not appear to have much effect. Every intention is very powerful indeed. Every intention we have helps shape our character. They build our character even as certain types of foods contribute to health or disease of both body and mind. Although we may not be aware of our intentions manifesting, that doesn't mean that they haven't. Our intentions have  manifested into the type of person we are and will continue to manifest into the type of person we become.

Just as a drops of water will ultimately fill a bucket to overflowing, little by little, intentions steadily create our character.

That is the power of our intentions. They may not manifest to us, but they will certainly manifest in us.

So be mindful in your intentions and choose them wisely, their power is immense. 


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